Important Notice:

We’re excited to announce that we’re upgrading our ITSU Syoook Sewa system to provide you with a better experience. We’ll be transitioning to a new business solution system to streamline our processes and provide you with smoother, more reliable user experience.

For our valued subscribers, rest assured that our team is working diligently to ensure a seamless transition, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

For more information, please click here and thank you for your continued support and understanding.


感谢您一直以来对ITSU Syoook Sewa的支持。为了提供更佳的用户体验,我们即将对ITSU Syoook Sewa进行系统升级。我们将迁移至全新的业务解决方案系统,以简化操作流程,为您带来更流畅、可靠的服务体验。



Dear Valued Subscribers,

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the ITSU Syoook Sewa subscription process, we’re pleased to announce that SUBPLACE will be officially appointed to manage both new and existing payment collection services.

To initiate the migration process, please be vigilant for a Verification Email or WhatsApp text message sent from SUBPLACE (as shown in the screenshots below). Upon receipt, please click on the link provided to access the necessary verification details.

If we do not receive a response from your side, an official SUBPLACE representative will personally reach out to you within the migration window (April 1st to July 31st ). Our team will offer guidance throughout the process and assist with any questions or concerns you may have.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as we endeavor to provide you with an enhanced and seamless experience with ITSU Syoook Sewa.

If you have further questions, please contact our dedicated Customer Service team at +6012-678 9673  (WhatsApp only).

Thank you.



我们通过此通知向您宣布,为了改善和提升ITSU Syoook Sewa的租赁系统流程,SUBPLACE将被授权管理新旧支付收取服务。由于我们即将开始系统迁移,特此提醒所有用户,请注意您将收到来自SUBPLACE的验证电子邮件或WhatsApp短信,请点击链接完成验证。

如果在系统迁移期间(4月1日至7月31日)我们未收到您的回复,SUBPLACE将有专人与您联系,为您提供协助和指导。感谢您的合作,我们将致力于为您提供更全面、流畅的ITSU Syoook Sewa用户体验。

如有问题,请联系我们的客服团队,电话:+6012-678 9673 (仅限WhatsApp)。谢谢。

First Step

You will receive a verification link from SUBPLACE via your WhatsApp (+6010-885 0193) or email address (

您将会通过WhatsApp (+6010-885 0193) 或电邮(,收到来自SUBPLACE的认证链接。

Second Step

Please click on the provided link to access the verification details and proceed with the migration process.


Last Step

If we don’t receive a response from the subscriber, an official SUBPLACE representative will contact you within the migration window (April 1st to July 31st).
