About ITSU

The Real Sensei Experience


Our Story

Derived from the Japanese phrase “御手”, ITSU means the royal touch.
For over 20 years in the reflexology industry, ITSU has been relentless in acquiring and preserving the vast knowledge and techniques used by massage therapists of antiquity from all over the world.
By fusing cutting-edge technology with the art of traditional massage techniques, we are able to engineer the ultimate indulgence that feels as though the massage is performed by hand, allowing everyone to enjoy “The Real Sensei Experience” for years to come.
Be delighted in the utmost relaxation with ITSU, because this is our unwavering commitment to provide you with the best products and services in this industry.


ITSU. 御手の物,来自日本的词汇【御手】的译音,反映出品牌的承诺,为客户提供最佳的产品与服务。 在按摩椅行业拥有超过20年的经验,ITSU 立志要吸去并保留资深按摩大师濒临失传的传统技巧与精湛技术。ITSU 利用科技重新创造,让传统技巧得以保存并永垂不巧,让每一位客人都可以享受到他们多年来精益求精的职人精神以及传统精准的按摩技术。ITSU 融合了科技与技术,以创新科技体现出真实的按摩艺术。 ​

Our Culture

The blueprint of an ideal home, or uchi, includes the security and stability of a family, career, religion, social class, nation, among other factors. Even though these constituents are highly segmented in Japan – at ITSU, we welcome everyone to be part of our Uchi. Being part of our family means your health and wellness are our only priority.


Uchi 亲属
家的构造是由家庭,国家,信仰,生活层级,事业与其他种种因素组成的。 ITSU 欢迎所有人成为我们的一份子。成为我们的家人,让我们关怀人人的健康与保健。让人人身体最极致的享受。

Our Vision

To inspire our customers to achieve true happiness and comfort from the pleasure of using our wellness products.

Our Philosophy

ITSU — Our Way of Life.




ITSU — 我们的生活方式
INTEGRITY – To adhere to our industry best practices uncompromisingly and to serve our customers with only their best interests in mind.
TECHNOLOGY – To elevate health and wellness of our customers through technological innovations and engaging product features.
SERVICE – To treat our customers as our own Uchi Uchi by prioritising their needs and by serving them with care and respect.
ULTIMATE – To be the ULTIMATE industry player in the reflexology business in terms of product development and customer care.

INNOVATION – To promote a progressive work culture that permeates across all divisions where innovative ideas are encouraged and rewarded.
TEAMWORK – To trust and support one another as our own Uchi Uchi. We work towards our common goal as a team because unity is strength.
SUCCESS – To celebrate all the successes that we have achieved through our collective and individual efforts. We Create. We Share. We Own.
ULTIMATE – To be the ULTIMATE industry player in the reflexology business in terms of product development and customer care.
INTEGRITY (诚信)– 我们毫不妥协地遵守我们的行业最佳实践,为客户提供最优先的服务。
TECHNOLOGY (技术)– 我们通过技术创新和引人入胜的产品功能提升客户的健康水平。
SERVICE (服务) – 我们坚信把顾客视为 “自家人 uchi uchi” 来服务,让顾客感受被关怀、被尊重。
ULTIMATE (积极)– 我们诚信负责、共同奋斗、无私奉献、致力于推动成长、以共创、共享、共有作为努力发展的思想观念、达致共赢的合作。

INNOVATION (创新)– 我们以创新的科技展现在产品上让使用者享受产品功能的乐趣带来的健康生活。
TEAMWORK (团结)– 我们相信团结就是力量,建立互信、互持、协同合作的良好伙伴关系。
SUCCESS (成就)– 我们坚信只有比其他同业或不同业更有效的服务客户才能能取得更大的市场。
ULTIMATE (积极)– 我们诚信负责、共同奋斗、无私奉献、致力于推动成长、以共创、共享、共有作为努力发展的思想观念、达致共赢的合作。